
tim exile’s ‘listening tree’

I’ve been listening to a lot of music on shuffle recently, and it ended up playing the Tim Exile song from the Warp 20 box set entitled “A Little Bit More”.  I had avoided listening to that track, I haven’t listened to a whole lot of the box set, but I especially skipped Tim Exile’s track as I found “Nuisance Gabbaret Lounge” to mostly live up to its title.  “A Little More” was really good though, so I eventually ended up tracking down his last album “Listening Tree”.  How one goes from making uninspiring, if not unoriginal, breakcore to making something this great (at its best moments at least) is not something I easily understand.

(pardon the stupid video, the song’s good)

I’m really enjoying watching the gradual development of a new genre as the more experimental and minimal electronic music genres get vocalized and become ever so slightly pop.  Matthew Dear’s “Asa Breed” would’ve been really incredible except for the slight issue of obnoxiously stupid lyrics.  Feel free to suggest other music like this, if I missed this album for more than a year, I’m sure there are several others I’m missing.


persistence is all

Last night I finished the first day of week 7 of the Couch to 5k plan, which means I officially made it further than I was last October when I stopped running when mother died.  Yesterday apparently was also the six month anniversary of her death, which I wouldn’t’ve known if it weren’t also my brother’s birthday (he mentioned it at his birthday dinner).

Hopefully running becomes easier soon, the plan has one continually pushing further, hopefully when that stops it will become less unpleasant.  My hip is still sort of bitchy…